I'll post my various designs for DBH, Threadless, Teefury etc with links so that anyone who actually looks at this blog can vote on them...


Augustus Caesar

[This is an edit on 18th of August to explain these old posts:
Cheripoffs began when my brother and I thought it would be worth cashing in on black and white prints of famous political figures other than Che Guevara (we were motivated by the irony of Che Guevara being printed on a t-shirt and sold en masse for capitalist gains given he was a Communist), hence the name cheRIPoffs. As a way to publicize the shirts I joined threadless.com and subsequently gave up on the cheRIPoffs and started doing other designs but I've kept the handle]

Available at the store for $16 for the next two weeks until the new icon is released. After that it will cost $22.
Free Image Hosting at ImageShack.us


Welcome to Cheripoffs

The inaugural icon is the great Roman reformer Augustus Caesar.